Great potential, but...
This app has excellent potential to be a very useful clinical management tool. Unfortunately, its missing some very key components which really should be included in an app at this price point. The developer is very good at getting back to emails immediately, but my feedback was given eight months ago. Since no changes have been made Ive been forced to move to other apps because of the below limitations.
1. No encryption. Im not sure what privacy legislation is like region to region, but where I am patient information MUST be encrypted. The four-digit password on the iphone itself isnt enough. Because of this, Ive had to switch to using an encrypted notebook program (1/5th the price of this app) to store patient data.
2. There is no way to mark a patient as having been delivered. So if Im following her in the post-partum for pregnancy-related complications, the app marks her as still being due, or as being seriously overdue. I soon get a list of overdue (yet delivered) women that clog the screen in front of the people who are actually due.
3. The notes does not expand or scroll as they fill the screen. In other words, if you get enough notes to fill to the keyboard (about 2/3 of the screen) then youre typing blind after that because the typing goes below the keypad. This soon renders the notes function useless.
Thats the basic stuff that needs to be fixed for the app to be functional as-is. Now, for it to be outstanding (and then, worth the current pricetag)...
- consider adding a to-do section to each patient. So if youve booked a consult for a woman and need to follow up on it, you could, under that patient, click some kind of to do button and fill in the consult and date you want to follow up. Then that data would show up both in the notes for that patient and in a tasks section of the app. You could have a push functionality to remind you of tasks.
- Some quick visuals would be handy: for example, having a checkbox for GBS positive or negative, primip or multip, rh pos or neg, drug allergies, etc. Those could appear in the main summary page next to the names.
Again, this could be such an incredibly useful app, and the developer has a great start here. Unfortunately, its little better than a notepad that stores patients by due date. Without the encryption, its unusable, and unfortunately far from worth the $14.99 price tag.
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OB Patient Tracker